Catalytic Capital

Imagine this scenario: a venture in healthcare or climate change with significant potential or a deep-impact affordable housing strategy crosses your desk. This solution could scale and transform a community, but for various reasons the business model isn't attractive to traditional investors. It may be because the length of time between early-stage experimentation and viability is too long, the business model requires subsidies, or it's simply too risky.
This is where catalytic capital comes in. Catalytic capital is patient, risk-tolerant, or concessionary capital that often helps attract additional investors to a project. Without it, many high-impact deals might never occur. And as investors guided by impact, foundations frequently play an important role in providing it. Read these resources to find out how you can be a catalytic capital investor – or might already be playing that role.
The Latest From Catalytic Capital
Catalytic Capital Investments
Deals and projects for investors seeking to make catalytic investments in affordable housing and community projects.
Projects & Collaborations
Visit these links to see how foundations are working together to organize catalytic capital for action.
SOCAP19: Catalytic Capital Track Sessions and Speakers

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